What can our town do?

  • Manage and protect woodlands

    Enhance goals for protecting forests by recognizing forest connections, large forests, riparian forests, and forest types in local and municipal plans. The Columbia County Planning Department provides data and an interactive mapper and supports the Environmental Management Council, which published the Columbia County Natural Resources Inventory.

    Minimize forest loss and fragmentation when siting new development, structures, utilities, and driveways.

    The NYS Department of State and NYS DEC developed model local laws for water resources management.

    Identify and promote educational programs that highlight the importance of forests and woodlands in the watershed.

    Allow active forest management practices that support improved forest health.

  • Protect water quality in the Taghkanic Creek

    The Hudson River Estuary Conservation and Land Use Program is a program from NYS DEC and Cornell University to provide training, technical guidance, data, and funding to support municipalities who want to protect natural areas and wildlife in their communities.

    Each of the towns in the watershed has a Groundwater Protection Study or Plan prepared by the New York Rural Water Association. These plans recommend density levels to protect groundwater and identify other actions to protect groundwater.

  • Build connections and community

    Post a link to the plan on your village website.

    Adopt a resolution supporting the plan.

    Send a representative to a stakeholder meeting to learn more about efforts to implement the plan.

    Develop and share a list of contacts involved in watershed planning, land use planning, and code enforcement.

    Explore interest in periodic meetings to advance goals and actions.